Safer Internet Day 2018 competition launches today

 Online-Safety  Comments Off on Safer Internet Day 2018 competition launches today
Oct 052017

Tell us how the internet makes you feel through words, film, music or art.

The Safer Internet Day (SID) 2018 Competition is an opportunity for young people to consider the impact of the internet on their lives and let their imagination and creativity flow. To enter the competition we invite children and young people to explore how being online makes them feel and to express this through one of the following formats:

  • word
  • film
  • music
  • art

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Training and Support Menu 2017-18

 Training  Comments Off on Training and Support Menu 2017-18
Oct 042017

Last year we focused in Powys on digital training for Citizenship (strand 1) and Information Literacy (part of strand 4) of the Digital Competence Framework.

This year, schools are encouraged to focus on the remaining strands, namely Interacting and Collaborating (strand 2) and Producing (strand 3).  These courses are listed in the ERW prospectus here ERW Professional Learning Prospectus.

Requested training should be consistent with the outcomes of Core Visit 1 meetings with the school Challenge Adviser.

Dates in Powys are being released for the Autumn term in mid-Powys,  to be repeated in North and South Powys during Spring/Summer 2018.  Available dates may be booked online at:




Hwb email and Distribution Groups

 Office 365, Q and A  Comments Off on Hwb email and Distribution Groups
Oct 042017

The teachers here are planning on migrating from our school e-mail system to only use hwb as their sole e-mailing service. I was just curious about whether or not we can create our own distribution lists on the Hwb e-mail system because currently we have lists like Admin list and All-staff. These are very helpful in quickly sending e-mails to multiple people at once and I was unsure if we would have this feature in Hwb.
So yes, this is all possible.

If email is being managed via O365 Mail in a web browser, then new Contact Lists can be set up through the People icon (lower left).
Once named (and with members added). The list is automatically picked up with typing in the To field in an email.

That’s the simplest option to get started.  Later, the school might want to consider sharing email and other resources like files between groups of staff in a similar way using Teams.

Deleting j2bloggy sites

 j2bloggy, j2e  Comments Off on Deleting j2bloggy sites
Oct 042017

Pupils and staff can create j2bloggy sites which use industry standard WordPress.  However, the usual way of deleting a site from the site dashboard is turned off.  So how can unwanted sites be deleted, for example when a pupil leaves?

This is done from the “main school site”.

Log in to the main school site as a teacher, go to the dashboard and find the link in the side bar called “all sites”.  Click it and from the resulting page you should be able to find and delete a pupils site.

Note that sites can also be archived, which means they can still be retrieved at a later date but are no longer live.