Links to ERW Digital Course Material 2017/18

 iPad, j2bloggy, j2e, Latest, Office 365, Online-Safety, Other, Training  Comments Off on Links to ERW Digital Course Material 2017/18
Nov 062017

Course material is accessed via Hwb playlists:

  • DCF Strand 1: Citizenship (Primary) here
  • DCF Strand 1: Citizenship (Secondary) here
  • DCF Strand 2: Interacting and Collaborating: Primary here
  • DCF Strand 2: Interacting and Collaborating (KS3)
    Collaboration and Storing elements  here
  • DCF Strand 2: Interacting and Collaborating (KS3)
    Communication element here
  • DCF Strand 3:Producing (FP) here
  • DCF Strand 3:Producing (KS2) here
  • DCF Strand 4: Computational Thinking (KS2) here
  • DCF Strand 4: Databases (KS2) here
  • DCF Strand 4: Spreadsheets (KS2) here
  • DCF Strand 4: Develop the use of databases (KS3) here
  • An overview of the DCF and an introduction to Strand 1 – ‘Citizenship’ here
  • Primary Digital Competence Network here
  • WJEC Update September 2017 here
  • GCSE Computer Science here

 Key Hwb networks to join to support any of these courses are:

Hwb email and Distribution Groups

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Oct 042017

The teachers here are planning on migrating from our school e-mail system to only use hwb as their sole e-mailing service. I was just curious about whether or not we can create our own distribution lists on the Hwb e-mail system because currently we have lists like Admin list and All-staff. These are very helpful in quickly sending e-mails to multiple people at once and I was unsure if we would have this feature in Hwb.
So yes, this is all possible.

If email is being managed via O365 Mail in a web browser, then new Contact Lists can be set up through the People icon (lower left).
Once named (and with members added). The list is automatically picked up with typing in the To field in an email.

That’s the simplest option to get started.  Later, the school might want to consider sharing email and other resources like files between groups of staff in a similar way using Teams.

Forwarding Hwb email automatically

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Sep 202017

Managing your Hwb account and another professional account (say .gov) can be easy if things are set up properly.  The best way is to manage both in one place using Desktop Outlook on a laptop or PC: this is highly recommended for all school Head Teachers and Administrators (in Powys, call IT Services to set up).  However, another option is to automatically forward Hwb email to your .gov address, which helps but needs to be read with the caveats below.

Here is a new video demonstrating how to set your O365 email account in Hwb to automatically forward to a different address.


Hwb video channel:

Note that emails forwarded in this way appear to have come from yourself (because they have!).  This means that when replying, it’s easy to accidentally reply to your Hwb account rather than the person that originally sent the email to you.  So to reply, remember to copy the email of the sender and paste it into the ‘To..’ field.


This facility is intended to help reduce workload by sending Hwb email to another professional (say .gov) address.  It should NOT be used to send Hwb email to a personal address.

Also, emails containing sensitive information should not be sent between different systems unless you know that the necessary technical arrangements are in place.  For guidance, sensitive information would include information such as IEPs and medical information.

T19 – Data and Information Literacy

 iPad, j2e, Office 365, Training  Comments Off on T19 – Data and Information Literacy
Mar 132017

This course is being offered under the Powys Schools Support Menu to cover a key element of the Digital Competence Framework, Strand 4.

06-03-2017 12-22-51Phases:  Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.

DCF Element(s):  Strand 4, Data and Information Literacy

Delivery: Two twilight sessions.




Course Content

Session 1 (90  mins):

Progression and resources for:

  • Graphing – Pictograms, charts
  • Database – Features, sorting, branching database (time permitting), card index database, searching

Additionally, key techniques (including in the use of Hwb) are clarified to make these ideas work pragmatically in the classroom, including:

  • Pre-computer activities that support quality thinking skills in younger pupils.
  • How pupils can use j2mix to show their understanding.
  • How to share pre-prepared worksheets and files with your class.
  • How to collaboratively assemble a database with your class.

Session 2 (90  mins)

  • Spreadsheets – progression, formulas.
  • How to set up and maintain Office 365 Groups to work with classes.
  • How to share pre-prepared spreadsheet files with pupils using Office 365 (and get the results back!)

The overall aim is to create a shared understanding of progression through this element and support the development of skills which are useful for both classroom and more general professional use.


  • Please note that each session length is 90 minutes.
  • Staff should have an iPad and laptop for Session 1, and a laptop for Session 2.
  • Staff should have their Hwb login details.

Prior Knowledge/Preparation:

  • Classes should have been set up in j2e, with staff members part of their classes.  A post on this can be found here.
  • Reference will be made to the use of learning conversations in j2e.


Schools should have agreed training with a Challenge Advisor through Core Visit 1.

This course may be instantly booked on-line here.

Adding Governors to an O365 Group

 Accounts, Latest, Office 365, Online-Safety  Comments Off on Adding Governors to an O365 Group
Feb 132017

I recently put a help sheet together to show how a Governor with a Hwb account can be added to an O365 group.

One way in which this is used by schools is to create an e-Safety O365 group to store evidence and policies for the 360 degree Safe framework.  As a member of the e-Safety Group, the GB member is then made a member of the O365 Group, so they have access to the files and also to the conversation area.

The help sheet is here: Adding a Governor to an O365 Group



Moderation 2017

 iPad, j2e, Latest, Office 365  Comments Off on Moderation 2017
Jan 302017


The overall process remains the same from 2016, namely:

  1. Collect evidence files (mainly video) in your j2e folder.
  2. Share the files to make them available to others.
  3. Create a report document in O365 on the ERW site;
  4. Paste links from the ERW document to the supporting evidence files in j2e.

Step 1. Creating and Saving Video files

  1. The easiest way is to use an iPad and the free app j2launch. Simply click on the camera icon (top of screen) and record a video up to 15 minutes. A help video showing this is here. Once the video is recorded, it is automatically uploaded into the j2e My Files area. This may take a little time – the upload progress is displayed at the top of the screen in j2launch. The video will also get saved on the iPad, so remember to delete it from the photo library.
  2. Some people prefer to make longer recordings using the iPad camera app. This may then be edited if required, for example using iMovies.
  3. Very long videos can result in immense file sizes that would take a very long time to upload. We recommend the use of a video compression app to reduce the file size before uploading. A help page on this is here and a video showing how to do it is here.
  4. Videos recorded on an iPad or PC/laptop can be uploaded into j2e – the process is similar for both. A video showing how to upload files from a PC is here.

Step 2. Sharing the Video Files in j2e

  1. Sharing files in j2e can be done from an iPad or PC/laptop, but my recommendation is to do it from a PC/laptop, as it is easier to pick the menu options.
  2. Any file in your My Files area is private to you.       For someone else to be able to see it as supporting evidence, you need to give permission. This is done by ‘Sharing’, which is a process by which you give access to certain others if they have the internet address of the file. The first part of the help video here explains how to share files. It is recommended that files are shared with a password. This can be a simple password, and may be the same for all the evidence for your school. The password can then be pasted into the Report document for ease.

Step 3. Completing the Moderation Form

  1. It is strongly recommended that this is done using a PC/laptop.       Typing the forms will be easier and most importantly you will be switching between your j2e screen and Office 365 Word in order to copy and paste links. This is MUCH easier on a PC/laptop browser.
  2. The moderation forms are stored in a particular folder of the ERW site, using Word in Office 365. This means it is done online. First log in to Hwb, then click on this link to go directly to the ERW 2017 folder.
    • At this point, you may be asked to sign into Hwb using the usual Hwb login screen.
    • If you are asked to login using Office 365, enter your email details as
  3. The help video file (as in Step 2) here explains how to create a document in the folder and copy the links for the j2e files into it. There are some simple differences between the files used in 2016 (as in the video) and the new files for 2017.       The main difference is that the links for the j2e video files can now be placed directly beside the narrative to which they refer.


Getting further help on Digital Powys

Help with the Process

Recording video and audio using j2e

Uploading files to j2e using a PC

Linking files to ERW Moderation reports

Compressing video on an iPad

The ERW site
(follow the links to Powys)

What’s the best PC browser for Hwb?

 j2e, Office 365  Comments Off on What’s the best PC browser for Hwb?
Jan 132017

In short…

Most of the time, the browser that works best with Hwb is Chrome.

Here’s why

For primary schools using j2e, there are one or two features that work reliably using Chrome, but not with Internet Explorer.  One is the ‘drag and drop’ facility to upload files from your PC.  Occasionally with Internet Explorer, dropping the file results in, well, nothing…


For schools using some of the advanced features of the Hwb+ sites, the best browser to use is Internet Explorer (but I don’t know of any schools in Powys using these features).

And finally…

If you have Windows 10, I have found the new ‘Edge’ browser to work equally as well as Chrome.

Adding Governors to Hwb

 Accounts, Latest, Office 365, Training  Comments Off on Adding Governors to Hwb
Sep 292016

1. Creating Governor Accounts
Adding Governors is done by the Digital Champion in the school (with admin access to Hwb+) by uploading a csv into the Admin area of Hwb+. A guide can be found at

The user details will then be added to the school user credential list. Governors can then log into Hwb and access an Office 365 account and the Governors area of the school Hwb+ site. Note that logging in from Hwb will take them straight to the Governors site in Hwb+. If they follow a link to the main school Hwb+ site they will not have permission to view it, unless those permissions are granted by the school.

2. Create an Office 365 Group for Governors
Many schools now prefer to set up Office 365 groups to work with Governors in preference to Hwb+. An O365 Group allows for sharing files, conversation and a calendar with individuals invited to the group with their Hwb username. A pdf guide to setting up an O365 group is here:
Creating a group in Office 365

3. Using Hwb+
For schools preferring to use Hwb+, a Governor focused guide can be found here –