Video links for delivering the DCF

 iPad, j2e, Latest, Training  Comments Off on Video links for delivering the DCF
Nov 062017
Video Title (linked) Description
j2e_Editing_Work How to edit pupil work in j2e5 to leave feedback.
j2e_Learning_Conversation How to view pupil work and leave feedback using a learning conversation.
j2e_QR_Code How to share a file in j2e and create a QR code that can be printed.
j2e5_Copy_and_Paste How to cut, copy and paste material in j2e5.
j2e5_Editing_Together How pupils can work on the same j2e5 file at the same time.  This example is between a PC and an iPad.
j2e5_Formatting_Text How to format text in j2e5.
j2e5_Formatting_Text_Boxes How to format text boxes in j2e5.
j2e5_Opening_and_Saving How to create, edit, re-edit and save j2e5 files.
j2e5_Saving_Collaborations How each pupil can save their own copy of a j2e5 file shared as a ‘collaborative document’.Â
j2e5_sharing_a_collaborative_file An example of a j2e5 collaboration between a PC and an iPad.
j2e5_tables Building simple tables and graphs in j2e5 files.
j2e5_Text_to_Speech Create talking documents with j2e5.
j2e5_Word_Banks Select from many word banks (lists in j2e) provided or build your own.
j2launch_Audio_Recorder Making simple recordings with the j2launch app for iPad.
j2launch_Logging_In Logging in using the j2launch app for iPad.
JIT_Mix_The_Basics Getting started with JITmix – ‘My first slideshow’.
JIT_Title_Bar_Recorder Make an audio recording to accompany a JIT file using the title bar recorder.  This uses an iPad, but can also be done on a PC with Adobe Flash installed.
JIT_Write_Background_and_Speech How to set the background for a JIT file.  Also how to set the language for the text-to-speech option.
JIT_Write_Word_Bank How to use the word banks (lists in j2e) in JIT.
JITWrite_The_Basics Getting started with JIT write.
O365_sharing_for_collaboration_in_OneDrive Pupils can work on an O365 document at the same time.  This video shows how to create, share and edit collaboratively.
O365_word_table Creating an O365 Word document shared in OneDrive with a teacher and inserting a simple table.
tellagami_upload This video focuses on uploading a tellagami video into My files in j2e.
Word_Online_Getting_Started How pupils create a folder in OneDrive shared with a teacher for feedback.  This is essential if you want to work effectively with pupils.
Yakit_Kids_Upload How to upload videos made with YakitKids to j2e My Files for evidence and feedback.
Word_Online_Justify Opening an O365 word online file in OneDrive.  Justifying text left, centre and right.
 Book_Creator_Tutorial  How to find the built-in tutorial in Book Creator.
 Book_Creator_Saving_video  How to upload videos made with Book Creator for iPad into j2e for evidence and feedback.
 Book_Creator_Saving_epubs  The epub source file for Book Creator can be saved in j2e.  The file can then be worked on from any iPad.  This is how.
 j2e5_Embedding_audio  How to embed an audio file into a j2e5 presentation.

Links to ERW Digital Course Material 2017/18

 iPad, j2bloggy, j2e, Latest, Office 365, Online-Safety, Other, Training  Comments Off on Links to ERW Digital Course Material 2017/18
Nov 062017

Course material is accessed via Hwb playlists:

  • DCF Strand 1: Citizenship (Primary) here
  • DCF Strand 1: Citizenship (Secondary) here
  • DCF Strand 2: Interacting and Collaborating: Primary here
  • DCF Strand 2: Interacting and Collaborating (KS3)
    Collaboration and Storing elements  here
  • DCF Strand 2: Interacting and Collaborating (KS3)
    Communication element here
  • DCF Strand 3:Producing (FP) here
  • DCF Strand 3:Producing (KS2) here
  • DCF Strand 4: Computational Thinking (KS2) here
  • DCF Strand 4: Databases (KS2) here
  • DCF Strand 4: Spreadsheets (KS2) here
  • DCF Strand 4: Develop the use of databases (KS3) here
  • An overview of the DCF and an introduction to Strand 1 – ‘Citizenship’ here
  • Primary Digital Competence Network here
  • WJEC Update September 2017 here
  • GCSE Computer Science here

 Key Hwb networks to join to support any of these courses are:

Training and Support Menu 2017-18

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Oct 042017

Last year we focused in Powys on digital training for Citizenship (strand 1) and Information Literacy (part of strand 4) of the Digital Competence Framework.

This year, schools are encouraged to focus on the remaining strands, namely Interacting and Collaborating (strand 2) and Producing (strand 3).  These courses are listed in the ERW prospectus here ERW Professional Learning Prospectus.

Requested training should be consistent with the outcomes of Core Visit 1 meetings with the school Challenge Adviser.

Dates in Powys are being released for the Autumn term in mid-Powys,  to be repeated in North and South Powys during Spring/Summer 2018.  Available dates may be booked online at:




T19 – Data and Information Literacy

 iPad, j2e, Office 365, Training  Comments Off on T19 – Data and Information Literacy
Mar 132017

This course is being offered under the Powys Schools Support Menu to cover a key element of the Digital Competence Framework, Strand 4.

06-03-2017 12-22-51Phases:  Foundation Phase and Key Stage 2.

DCF Element(s):  Strand 4, Data and Information Literacy

Delivery: Two twilight sessions.




Course Content

Session 1 (90  mins):

Progression and resources for:

  • Graphing – Pictograms, charts
  • Database – Features, sorting, branching database (time permitting), card index database, searching

Additionally, key techniques (including in the use of Hwb) are clarified to make these ideas work pragmatically in the classroom, including:

  • Pre-computer activities that support quality thinking skills in younger pupils.
  • How pupils can use j2mix to show their understanding.
  • How to share pre-prepared worksheets and files with your class.
  • How to collaboratively assemble a database with your class.

Session 2 (90  mins)

  • Spreadsheets – progression, formulas.
  • How to set up and maintain Office 365 Groups to work with classes.
  • How to share pre-prepared spreadsheet files with pupils using Office 365 (and get the results back!)

The overall aim is to create a shared understanding of progression through this element and support the development of skills which are useful for both classroom and more general professional use.


  • Please note that each session length is 90 minutes.
  • Staff should have an iPad and laptop for Session 1, and a laptop for Session 2.
  • Staff should have their Hwb login details.

Prior Knowledge/Preparation:

  • Classes should have been set up in j2e, with staff members part of their classes.  A post on this can be found here.
  • Reference will be made to the use of learning conversations in j2e.


Schools should have agreed training with a Challenge Advisor through Core Visit 1.

This course may be instantly booked on-line here.

Sharing j2e files with pupils

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Nov 172016

In j2e, it’s easy to create a file and share it with a class, a pupil or another teacher within the school.  Here, we share a pre-prepared JIT5 turtle file with a class, so that they can change it and save their own copy.  Continue reading »

Setting up Classes in j2e

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Oct 172016

Before setting up classes, it is necessary that pupils logon to j2e.  This automatically creates their personal My Files areas and makes their accounts available to allocate to classes using the Dashboard.  Continue reading »

Adding a Twitter Feed to your j2bloggy website

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Oct 042016

We have now trained 20 or so Powys schools in the basics of managing the new public websites based on j2bloggy.  The enthusiasm of participants has been fantastic and the ease of working with the sites (based on WordPress) immediately allowed users to make changes and add new content.  Continue reading »

Adding Governors to Hwb

 Accounts, Latest, Office 365, Training  Comments Off on Adding Governors to Hwb
Sep 292016

1. Creating Governor Accounts
Adding Governors is done by the Digital Champion in the school (with admin access to Hwb+) by uploading a csv into the Admin area of Hwb+. A guide can be found at

The user details will then be added to the school user credential list. Governors can then log into Hwb and access an Office 365 account and the Governors area of the school Hwb+ site. Note that logging in from Hwb will take them straight to the Governors site in Hwb+. If they follow a link to the main school Hwb+ site they will not have permission to view it, unless those permissions are granted by the school.

2. Create an Office 365 Group for Governors
Many schools now prefer to set up Office 365 groups to work with Governors in preference to Hwb+. An O365 Group allows for sharing files, conversation and a calendar with individuals invited to the group with their Hwb username. A pdf guide to setting up an O365 group is here:
Creating a group in Office 365

3. Using Hwb+
For schools preferring to use Hwb+, a Governor focused guide can be found here –

Using j2bloggy and j2webby for public websites

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Sep 192016

school - Copy

Schools are so much more than corporate businesses, so I’ve always believed that school websites should be more than merely informational or brochure driven.  In fact, whenever I review a school website, the first thing I look for is the contribution made directly by the pupils.  After all, a school website should reflect the whole school community, should it not?  School websites need to look professional, but they also give us an opportunity to walk-the-talk, showing how pupils in our charge can engage with the digital world in an authentic manner.  Continue reading »