Oct 042017

The teachers here are planning on migrating from our school e-mail system to only use hwb as their sole e-mailing service. I was just curious about whether or not we can create our own distribution lists on the Hwb e-mail system because currently we have lists like Admin list and All-staff. These are very helpful in quickly sending e-mails to multiple people at once and I was unsure if we would have this feature in Hwb.
So yes, this is all possible.

If email is being managed via O365 Mail in a web browser, then new Contact Lists can be set up through the People icon (lower left).
Once named (and with members added). The list is automatically picked up with typing in the To field in an email.

That’s the simplest option to get started.  Later, the school might want to consider sharing email and other resources like files between groups of staff in a similar way using Teams.

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