Oct 102016

I am frequently asked to investigate missing pupil accounts on j2e, so here is a self-help check list that may prove useful. 

  1. Have the ‘missing’ account holders actually logged on to j2e?
    Until they have done so, their account is not set up and they will not appear in the Dashboard user lists.  This is why an introductory activity with new pupils is suggested, for example to take a picture and upload it using the j2launch app on iPad.
  2. Are the accounts listed in the school User Credentials list on Hwb+?
    New users are placed at the end of the list, so you may need to go to the next page or two to find them.  The list may appear in alphabetical order at first, but it is not for it’s entirety. You can also use the column headings to filter and sort for speed.  If the accounts are missing, then there may be a technical glitch in detecting the accounts from the school MIS (SIMS/TeacherCentre).  If the account is there but has no password, simply reset the password using the facility on the Admin page (it’s lower right on the page).
  3. Are the accounts set up properly in the MIS (Teacher Centre or SIMS)?
    Pupils must have their UPN number entered in their details.  Staff must have their Payroll number.  If these are missing, the accounts will not get picked up.  For information, pupil records for Hwb accounts are updated every 3 days and staff once at the end of each month.
  4. If the accounts are still missing AND they have joined from a different school, it is possible that their account in the previous school MIS has not been set to ‘Leaver’.  This means the old school has not released the account for transfer.  The solution is to contact the old school to check this.

If all of that fails and the accounts are still not on the User Credentials list, then contact the Hwb+ helpdesk for further assistance as they have better access to the records and processes:

Learning Possibilities

Service Desk: servicedesk.hwbsupport.net

e-mail: supportdesk@hwbsupport.net

Telephone: 029 2099 0200

If there are still issues after that, please feel free to contact me as some deeper issue may be the problem!


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