Oct 052017

Tell us how the internet makes you feel through words, film, music or art.

The Safer Internet Day (SID) 2018 Competition is an opportunity for young people to consider the impact of the internet on their lives and let their imagination and creativity flow. To enter the competition we invite children and young people to explore how being online makes them feel and to express this through one of the following formats:

  • word
  • film
  • music
  • art

The competition will be close 15 January 2018 and winners will be announced by the Cabinet Secretary for Education on 6 February at the Safer Internet Day Celebration event in Cardiff.

Check out the SID 2018 Competition page for more information on

  • the rules of the competition
  • how to submit entries
  • guidance for education practitioners and professionals working with children and young people.

Safer Internet Day will take place on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 with the slogan ‘Create, connect and share respect: a better internet starts with you!. The day is celebrated globally and over the last couple of years has really grown in Wales, where it is coordinated by the UK Safer Internet Centre in partnership with Welsh Government.

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