Nov 172016

In j2e, it’s easy to create a file and share it with a class, a pupil or another teacher within the school.  Here, we share a pre-prepared JIT5 turtle file with a class, so that they can change it and save their own copy. 

In the teacher account

Bring up the share dialogue for the file and select the class you want to share with.

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Tip:  Repeat to select multiple classes or pupils.

Tip: To find individual pupils, the whole school list can be found under users > find users…

17-11-2016 09-03-30


When you have selected those you wish to share with, close the share dialogue box.17-11-2016 09-00-39That’s it!  Now for the pupils…

In the pupil accounts

The files that have been shared can be found under the ‘shared files’ button. 17-11-2016 08-50-17

The files are in the folder named after the group they were shared with.  So this will be a class name (if shared with a class) or if it is was just shared with the pupil, it will be a folder with the pupil name.  This helps the pupils know who else the files are shared with.

Open the folder to see the shared files.

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Click on the shared file to open it. 17-11-2016 08-52-28


The file is opened in exactly the same place that it was saved (by the teacher, perhaps).  Make changes to the file and save it in the usual way. 17-11-2016 08-53-47


The new copy can now be found in ‘my files’ and is the pupil’s own file. 17-11-2016 08-54-26

Sharing j2e5 files for collaboration

j2e5 files can be shared in a way that allows for distribution as a worksheet or for shared editing.

  • A worksheet is the same as previously shown – pupils take a copy, edit it and it becomes their own file.
  • A collaborative document allows for all pupils to edit the document directly, ie. the original copy.  They can then save their own copy of the collaboratively edited file.  This can be useful in a multitude of ways, not least peer assessment.

17-11-2016 09-20-33

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