Nov 232016
Q. I’m trying to establish the best location to store videos and link them using QR codes. What would you suggest? If we save the work on J2E we need a password to be able to access the videos or is there a way around this?

A. If this is pupil work, I would tend to share it directly from their accounts.  Sharing is achieved firstly by setting permissions using the ‘share’ option on the ‘I’ button of a file, then distributing the internet address, perhaps using a QR code as you suggest.  Sharing responsibly is a key skill for pupils to understand, and this is potentially an opportunity to help them do that.
The key issue is the nature of the content (which is the case irrespective of where they are stored).  If the material contains private data (including close up images of pupils), then it should be shared with a password.  If the material does not contain private information (e.g. a Tellagami animation with no personal information in a voiceover), it can be shared using the ‘public’ option which has no constraints on read-access.  Indeed, this is how I share my own training videos – using my j2e account and sharing them publicly.
Incidentally, j2e streams video very well, so is a good place to host videos (much better than say, Office 365).

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