

What is it? Create a talking avatar with your very own background. Exports to camera roll as a movie.

What is it good for? Reluctant writers, speakers.  Developing speaking skills.

Cost: Free for 30s recording limit.  £3.99 for Education version with more backgrounds and 90s recording.

Essential help: Excellent resources and a printable help file can be found at: ‘ICT with Miss C’


Extension: Record a series of gamis and import them all into iMovie to create a longer presentation. iMovie can also be used to remove the ‘Tellagami trailer’ attached to the end of each movie.

Lesson Ideas:


  • Create a news report. Obtain an image from a recent news event then create a broadcast from the location reporting as an on the scene reporter.
  • Create a weather report. Draw your own or obtain a weather map image. Record a news weather report.
  • Present an information report e.g. Australian animal. Create your own drawings or obtain images for the background to support the information you are delivering.
  • Give a book review. Feature the cover or images from the book as the background.
  • Create a response to a story you’ve just read. What did you enjoy, what did you find interesting?
  • Summarise the chapter of the day from one of the character’s perspectives. Create a virtual person to represent the character, and then record a 30 second summary.
  • Create a character description. Make a character from your story then have them describe themselves.


  • Explain a Maths concept. Use your own drawings as backgrounds to support your explanation.


  • Explain a scientific concept.


ICT with Miss C’s quick help guide is here: tellagami_guide