Oct 042017

Last year we focused in Powys on digital training for Citizenship (strand 1) and Information Literacy (part of strand 4) of the Digital Competence Framework.

This year, schools are encouraged to focus on the remaining strands, namely Interacting and Collaborating (strand 2) and Producing (strand 3).  These courses are listed in the ERW prospectus here ERW Professional Learning Prospectus.

Requested training should be consistent with the outcomes of Core Visit 1 meetings with the school Challenge Adviser.

Dates in Powys are being released for the Autumn term in mid-Powys,  to be repeated in North and South Powys during Spring/Summer 2018.  Available dates may be booked online at: http://training.mikeisted.com/events/category/erw-menu-2017-2018




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