Nov 242016

A major use of j2e with iPads is to quickly take an image of pupil work, or ask a pupil to talk about their work (normally both!).  This is easily done with the j2launch app, as long as the pupil can log in reasonably quickly.  However, if that is not the case, for example with younger learners, the process can take too long or require too much support and the opportunity can be lost.

So I have been asked several times if it is possible to use a teacher account for this, perhaps saving work into folders for the pupils to be transferred at some later date.  Whilst we do want pupils to have all their files in one place and to learn to log in to Hwb themselves, I can suggest how this might be done most easily if needed.

Here’s what to do, in brief:

  1. Set up a regular folder for each of the pupils concerned in your own teacher my files area.
  2. Use j2launch on iPad to capture images and voice using your teacher account.  It is vital that pupils do not know your login details and that they are not left with unsupervised access to the device whilst it is logged in on your account.
  3. Drag the pupil files into the named folder you have prepared for them.
  4. Using the same process as for sharing a single file (‘i’, share, users…) share each folder with the named pupil.  Be sure to check the ‘save’ button in the dialogue to allow the pupils to take a copy.

So there are two great things here:

  1. The pupil always has access to the shared folder through their ‘shared files’ link.  So all their work will be within their my files or shared files.
  2. Subsequent files put into the folder in the teacher account will automatically appear in the shared folder in the pupil account.  This means the setup only has to happen once.

I have put the preparation of a fuller help file on my to do list, but do let me know if you have any questions.

Diolch,  Mike

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